
Competition Bundle


We’ve compiled the ultimate competition bundle. You’ll get the whole shebang! It’s the kit and caboodle!

Be prepared for competition! This set includes:

  1. The Dance Angel
  2. Custom Monogramming with your name, choice of font, and font color!
  3. Six clear plastic costume hangers with clips, grooves, and swivel top
  4. Six clear plastic garment bags with black zipper detail and zipper pocket



We’ve compiled the ultimate competition bundle. You’ll get the whole shebang! It’s the kit and caboodle!

Be prepared for competition! This set includes:

  1. The Dance Angel
  2. Custom Monogramming with your name, choice of font, and font color!
  3. Six clear plastic costume hangers with clips, grooves, and swivel top
  4. Six clear plastic garment bags with black zipper detail and zipper pocket

Tell us your choice of Dance Angel colorway, font, and font color in the order notes!

Additional information

Dance Angel Colorway

"Stereotypical Superstar" "IndiGoGo" "Turquoise TranscenDance" "Midnight Ravin'"